testRigor Features

testRigor is a way to create tests using free flowing plain English, offering two main benefits:
  • Anyone (even without coding skills) can build test automation 50 times faster than with Selenium using Generative AI. Inspirational video here and Getting Started Guide here.
  • Our customers spend 200 times less time on test maintenance than Selenium users, especially for a rapidly changing products. This is because tests are created from the end-user’s perspective, making the adaptation to new functionalities as easy as find and replace.
The top 42 features of testRigor are:
  1. Generate tests based on your own documented test cases using Generative AI. Utilizes parsed plain English to enable anyone to correct/build/understand tests purely from an end-user’s point of view, reducing reliance on locators. Learn more in this video.
  2. Native desktop testing, see a demo video here.
  3. Supports web testing on desktop and mobile across 3,000+ combination of browsers and devices on multiple operating systems, for instance, Internet Explorer on Windows and Safari on Mac and iOS.
  4. Facilitates mobile testing, including testing on physical devices through our partners, as well as testing hybrid apps.
  5. Provides an easy method to test emails, with renderings to see how they function. Users can easily click buttons in the email and extract codes. See a video for demonstration.
  6. Supports 2FA login, including login via email, text messages, and Google Authenticator
  7. Allows API testing and offers mocking of API calls
  8. Conducts data-driven testing with datasets support, including data from CSVs. View a video for details.
  9. Validates downloaded files, including PDFs, CSVs, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and more. See an example here.
  10. Allows DB access
  11. Handles texts in images using OCR and can identify buttons/texts through Machine-Learning-based image classification.
  12. Facilitates testing of Chrome Extensions.
  13. Allows to easily generate unique test data based on specified format or Regex
  14. Supports typing and copy/pasting
  15. Enables easy interaction with tables and forms
  16. Manages multiple tabs easily
  17. Runs multiple browsers and devices simultaneously for different sessions
  18. Works with geolocations, simulates “moving” the device
  19. Compares screen parts based on ID/location with previous execution. Here’s an example.
  20. Offers built-in login support. View an example here.
  21. Creates a PDF containing screenshots of all pages on a website
  22. Executes JavaScript in the browser under test
  23. Provides an ability to group your steps into functions (Reusable Rules) with arbitrary names
  24. Provides variable (Stored Values) support that can be overridden/passed by an API when triggering the test suite from CI. Supports multiple pre-defined variables such as “todayDayOfMonth”.
  25. Executes some sections conditionally or until a certain condition is met
  26. Enables the use of JavaScript on top of testRigor
  27. Provides visual testing capabilities
  28. Allows to upload files in different ways
  29. Allows to create files based on a template before uploading
  30. Allows to conduct phone calls/phone call validations and SMS messages/SMS message validations
  31. Offers testing audio playback and recording
  32. Allows to verify that the video is playing, for example:
    check that video "my_video" is playing
  33. Allows to access and work with cookies/local storage/session storage/user agent
  34. Allows to have all possible steps, including browser steps, mobile app steps, API calls, text messages etc., within one test
  35. Allows recording of executed tests as videos
  36. Can monitor/schedule execution with PagerDuty integration. See a video here
  37. Allows to post test results to any test case management system and to Slack, MS Teams, Emails, etc.
  38. Supports iframes/shadow DOMs/hybrid apps, etc., transparently. See a video here
  39. Allows to generate tests based on how your users use your application in your production (Behavior-Driven Test Generation)
  40. Provides load test capability using the same end-to-end tests
  41. Carries out accessibility testing. Watch a video here.
  42. Integrates with:
    1. All test case management systems, including TestRail, Zephyr, XRay, etc.
    2. Ticketing systems like Jira, Pivotal Tracker, Azure DevOps, etc.
    3. All CI platforms, including Jenkins, CircleCI, Azure DevOps, etc.
    4. All infrastructure providers, including LambdaTest, BrowserStack, SauceLabs, etc.
    5. PagerDuty

And many, many more. New features are being released weekly.

Sign up for testRigor or schedule a call with our sales team here: