Command Line

This is a command line tool for TestRigor. It allows you to run TestRigor tests from the command line.


  1. Install Node.js (version 18 or higher)
  2. Install TestRigor CLI:
    npm install -g testrigor-cli


  1. Basic
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token>
  2. With new URL
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --url <url>
  3. With branch
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --branch <branch> --commit <commit>
  4. With variables
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --variables-path file.json
  5. Localhost mode
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --localhost
  6. With test cases
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --test-cases-path test_cases/**/*.{yaml,txt}
  7. With rules
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --rules-path rules/**/*.yaml
  8. With all options
    testrigor test-suite run <test-suite-id> --token <token> --url <url> --branch <branch> --commit <commit> --variables-path file.json --localhost --test-cases-path test_cases/**/*.{yaml,txt} --rules-path rules/**/*.{yaml,txt}
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