Scrolls and Swipes

Scrolls and Swipes

testRigor supports scroll in all 4 directions: up, down, left right

You can also scroll partially (¼, ½, 1) for better accuracy and speed of execution:
scroll up by ¼ of the screen
You can scroll directly to a specific part of the page:
scroll up until page contains “Place order”
Or start scrolling from a specific part of the page:
scroll up on “Contact Us”

Swipe is the same as a scroll, but only for mobile browsers and mobile apps. Important! Swipe up/down is in the opposite direction of the scroll. Swipe up = scroll down

Note: You can use “without scrolling” to prevent testRigor’s default behavior (scroll to the element before the click).

Scroll on an object, scroll using the mouse

For pages with several scroll areas, you can also scroll up or down on a specific portion of text using the mouse wheel:
scroll down on "text" until page contains "Sign here!" using the mouse
scroll down on "text" using the mouse until page contains "Sign here!"
If the target text is very far from the starting point of the scroll, you can focus scrolls on the area of the text instead of the text itself by using mouse wheel action in a loop:
scroll down on "text" using the mouse up to 15 times until page contains "Sign here!"

Note: The scroll until page contains method works best in Visible first mode. Visible first prioritizes only what is visible in the viewport/screenshot. Batched mode opens testRigor’s visibility to anything that is loaded on the page whether it is visible to the end user or not. (To toggle this setting, you can find the dropdown in Settings->Speed optimizations->Performance->Getting visibility of elements approach)

Test your knowledge

scroll up until visible “Place order”
scroll up until page contains “Place order”
scroll up until “Place order” is on top
scroll up until “Place order” is loaded

Batched mode
Scrolling first mode
Visible first mode
Mouse wheel mode

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