Managing Multiple Environments With the Same Test Suite

Managing Multiple Environments With the Same Test Suite

Trigger from CI/CD

You have the ability to trigger runs from your configured CI/CD provider.

Create branches from the UI

To do that, go to test suite details > Additional run settings > Fill in the branch and commit fields

Shared test suites

Sometimes you might want to create a new test suite, but inherit the same test cases, shared rules and saved values (test data) as another test suite you already have. Example use case: when you need to share code between iOS tests and Android tests.

testRigor supports it via the Shared suite feature in the main menu.

Once paired, adding new test cases/test data/rules to the parent suite, will automatically add them to the child suite, but not vice versa.

A common scenario arises when the test data for a shared child test suite is slightly different. You’ll observe that the test data imported from the parent test suite has an “Inherited” tag and cannot be modified. However, you can create a new rule or variable in the child test suite using the same name but with different content. This new rule or variable will override the inherited one and will be specific to the child test suite.

Test your knowledge

When you need to start a new project from scratch
When you need separate rules for each test suite
When you want to re-use your production environment test cases from a test environment
When you want to make major changes to a test suite
When you want to isolate a test suite from others

Modify the inherited test data directly
Delete the inherited test data and create a new one
Create a new rule or variable in the child test suite with the same name but different content to override the inherited one
Disconnect the child suite from the parent suite
Rename the inherited test data

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