Final Exam

Final Exam

Tests that are most repetitive and time-consuming to test manually.
Tests that are easiest to automate.
Tests that have already been thoroughly vetted manually and have no known bugs.
Randomly selected tests to diversify the testing process.
Create test cases for the first environment, then copy them to the second test suite.
Use one test suite for two environments, since you only need to modify test data and a target environment when you alternate between the two.
Create test cases for the first environment, then create a shared test suite for the second one.
Use two separate testRigor accounts, one for each environment.
For any repetitive set of steps to increase efficiency and improve debugging.
When a test case is running longer than expected.
Only when directed by a supervisor or team leader.
For one-time scenarios that are unlikely to be repeated.
To handle unexpected scenarios like random pop-ups and ads by automatically adding the rule when certain conditions are met.
To handle scenarios such as login – in case the user gets logged out.
To increase the runtime of each test case.
To send notifications to the test manager for each step in the test.
generate from regex “[a-z]{10,18}”, then enter into “Notes” and save as “actionNotes”
save value “Peter” as “name”
grab value from input “some-edit” and save it as “my-email”
check that page contains stored value from “actionNotes”
call api post "" with headers "Content-Type:application/json" and "Accept:application/json" and body "{\"name\":\"James\",\"salary\":\"123\",\"age\":\"32\"}" and pull "$" and save it and then check that http code is 200
call api post "" with headers "Content-Type:application/json" or "Accept:application/json" or body "{\"name\":\"James\",\"salary\":\"123\",\"age\":\"32\"}" and get "$" and save it as "createdName" and then check that http code is 200
call api post "" with headers "Accept:application/json" and body "{\"name\":\"James\",\"salary\":\"123\",\"age\":\"32\"}" and get "$" and save it as "createdName"
call my mom and tell her I failed this exam
Add “CompanyName” to table “Companies” in database.
Read the first row from the Companies table in the database and then set “CompanyName” variable with the data from that first row.
Syntax is incorrect and the command will fail.
Select the first table “CompanyName” from database “Companies” and import it into testRigor.
To send an SMS to the allocated number in settings.
To ensure that the phone call to “newNumber” was picked up.
To request a new temporary phone number from Twilio and save it in a variable, which can be used for checking incoming calls or messages.
To verify that the saved value “newNumber” matches a predefined pattern.
When a user wants to click faster.
When the element is an image containing text.
When a user wants to target the deepest layer of an element.
When the case is running in headless mode.
Multiple correct answers
Because there is no visible UI to drag elements in headless mode.
Because there is no header in headless mode.
Because dragging is a mouse-specific action in testRigor, and there is no browser window for a mouse pointer to interact with in headless mode.
Because testRigor turns off all drag and drop functionality in headless mode.
The setting for nested iframes is not properly set.
The element is set to ‘display:none’ in CSS.
The browser window is minimized.
The testRigor system is outdated and needs an update.
Multiple correct answers
Enable the “Measure page load” and “Wait for Scripts” settings in Speed Optimizations.
Disable JavaScript on the test page.
Use a different browser for testing.
Insert a dynamic wait into the script that will force testRigor to begin interacting with the page only after the last element is loaded.
check that two emails to “” and “Confirm” in subject were delivered
check email to “” and “Confirm” in subject was delivered
check that one and one email to “” were delivered
verify that two emails to “” and “Confirm” in subject were sent
check that url has “” in link
verify that “” is inside the url
check that url contains “”
check that url starts with “”
enter “Yes” into 3rd “Notes”
type “Yes” into the 3rd occurrence of “Notes”
write “Yes” into 3rd “Notes”
Type “Yes”
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