Case Study: Medrio

an eClinical went from 2 releases a year to 8 after implementing testRigor.

Customer Overview

Medrio is a leading eClinical company making life easier for clinical researchers and trial participants. Through the use of technology and data collection, Medrio helps people understand the consent process while blowing away the legacy paper process. Their core focus is creating patient-friendly solutions that are enjoyable to use.

80% of Medrio’s test cases are UI intensive and they needed a solution to automate them. They needed a solution where the QA team could build automation tests quickly to keep up with their growing product and test case library. Additionally they are in a compliance driven regulated industry where they need to capture screenshots for compliance validation.

4X More Releases
Medrio achieve 4x more releases per year after utilizing testRigor
Fully Automated Smoke Suites
Medrio was able to reach 100% automation for all smoke testing suites
Automated Compliance
Executing test cases automatically captures screenshots for compliance.

The Problem

The company was only completing 1-2 releases a year with a growing number of manual test cases. The company had 4 automation engineers but the automated test cases could not be scaled. They needed a solution where the QA team can automate the test cases resulting in frequent quality releases.

A key reason for moving to automation testing was their current process of pure manual testing took weeks to get to delivery. They needed a way to leverage their manual QA to speed up the process.

Key Objectives

  • Increase the number of releases
  • Scale test automation
  • Eliminate long manual tests
  • Leverage their existing manual QA team

"My team can automate, that is a huge win because you do not need technical skillsets. You can leverage testRigor s technology to write the test case in plain English."
Jinal S.
Director, Test Engineering - Medrio

The Solution

Medrio chose testRigor as their automation solution. The key selling points were scripting tests in plain english, no infrastructure and no technical experience required. With testRigor even a manual QA can own a piece of the automation process. Their core workflows of 2500 test cases, 750 are now automated. The automated tests saved 20 man days of testing which are now running weekly with testRigor in 4-6 hours. The total savings of time was calculated as 4 man-years per year of manual QA.

A feature that Medrio needs for compliance is the screen shots of the user interface. testRigor provides this functionality out of the box where each test case captures the screenshot as it is executed.

Before testRigor there was a duplication of effort with automation and the ability of manual QA to understand the results. Now this is no longer an issue and they have scripted their acceptance test cases and mapped the results so they can easily bypass the step of manual QA interpretation.

“Wow, this is like cucumber scripts without needing any framework.”
Jinal S.
Director, Test Engineering – Medrio

Solution Highlights

  • Provides UI screen shots for compliance.
  • So far 750 test cases are fully automated.
  • Manual testers now own a piece of the automation process.
  • Saved 20 man days of testing time which now run in 4-6 hours.

1 2 Releases Per Year
Limited automation
During and After
8+ Releases per year
Entire team contributing to automation
100% core workflows automated

The Result

With testRigor Medrio was able to automate with the existing QA team. Medrio was also able to improve the overall efficiency by repurposing the team into automation work.

With testRigor, releases increased from 1-2 a year to 9 releases a year. Furthermore smoke tests were automated for all development, staging and production environments. These smoke tests now run in under 30 minutes.

Time savings was a huge win. Of the core 2500 workflows Medrio needed to test, they were able to automate 750. Their Q1 expectation was to automate ~300 test cases. They exceeded this by automating 400 test cases.

A total of 20 man days of testing were automated with 750 test cases. These tests are now executing in 4-6 hours. This had a total savings of 4 man-years per year of manual QA.


Objective Result
Increase Number Of Releases 4X more releases per year
Save Time Saved 4 man years per year of manual QA
Automate smoke suites All smoke suites are automated
Automate compliance Compliance screen shots are automated, they no longer need to manually capture them.

testRigor can also help you

“Since we are in a compliance driven [industry] we have to provide all these screenshots and it is generated by testRigor, that is a huge saving in terms of time and resources.”
Jinal S.
Director, Test Engineering – Medrio

testRigor’s no-code automation platform makes it easy for QA teams to quickly buil test automation while spending almost no time maintaining tests. Tests are in plai English and empower any person with or without technical knowledge to be able t quickly build and maintain tests as well as understand test coverage.

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“We spent so much time on maintenance when using Selenium, and we spend nearly 0 time with maintenance using testRigor”
Keith Powe
VP Of Engineering -
“The manual team does not need to be sidelined and I don't need to hire separate experts for automating scenarios.”
Sagar Bhute
Director of QA -